The Kurtosh, located in Kerrisdale; 2285 W 41st Ave, Vancouver has a unique twist on what North Americans would believe to be a donut.

Evolve Mechanical Solutions were retained as the mechanical engineers and designed a Class 2 Ventilation system.  That is: steam and heat removal only, no grease laden vapours were present thus NFPA-96 welded ductwork and wet chemical fire suppression weren’t required.

Eventually we were able to remove the Class 2 Hood and down grade to a Class 5 system because the heat generated from the appliances was less than 6kW.

I sat down with business owner Yuna Park and asked her a few questions about her business and any advise she would have for others starting up.   Here’s what she had to say:

1.  Why did you start your business and what’s its purpose is?

I started my business because I found this very unique and interesting pastry called chimney cake which originates from Transylvania and I wanted to introduce the chimney cake to people who live in Vancouver.

Originally the pastry or cake was baked only on special occasions such as weddings or festivals in Hungary & Romania but due to high demand and the fact that many people fell in love with the product, it is now available throughout the year and the product is becoming very popular all over the world so I brought it to Vancouver.

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2.  If you could give three pieces of advise to a new owner starting up a similar restaurant what would it be?
1.  Have a detailed business plan in place
2.  Location is very important
3.  Hire essential help


3.  what you’d do differently now that you’ve been through the ringer.
I want to have a nice terrace at the front of our cafe so that people could enjoy the time at the outside.
